Steak and Cheese Sliders

After weeks of this no-carb “healthy eating” kick, let’s dive into one of my favorite appetizers: steak and cheese sliders. If you’re looking for a Super Bowl food idea then look no further. These steak and cheese sliders are simple to make and will have the crowd roaring.

What Type of Meat is Best for Steak and Cheese?

True steak and cheese grinders are made with thinly sliced steak – steak that’s been seasoned to perfection and maybe even marinated the day before. I am breaking all of the rules with this one and I am using really good ground beef. Get yourself a good ground beef; wagyu is preferable, but a standard 70/30 (30 percent fat) from your local butcher or grocery store will work just fine. I prefer the high fat content in this because well we’re making steak and cheese sliders. There’s nothing low fat about this.

What Type of Cheese is Best for Steak and Cheese?

There’s plenty of different cheese options for steak and cheese grinders. You’ll see Philly cheese steaks made with sharp provolone, American cheese or even that bright yellow cheese sauce (that we all know is fake but so utterly delicious). This is all preference, but I personally find American cheese to do the trick. American cheese makes for a melty cheese steak sandwich and with my technique you won’t need a cheese sauce or mayonnaise for that matter.

I allow the American cheese to melt directly on the “steak” or ground beef while it’s sitting on warm on the stove. Between the fat from the beef and the melty cheese, you’ll have a delicious ooey gooey sauce without all the fuss.

Steak and cheese sliders

Steak and Cheese Sliders


  • 2 lb Ground beef
  • 10 Slices American cheese
  • 1 Large Onion diced
  • 1 Package Hawaiian rolls
  • 1 T Butter
  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • In a large skillet brown your ground beef. You can do this on medium to high heat.
  • Season with salt and pepper (you be the judge).
  • Once ground beef is about halfway cooked through, add your onions.
  • Continue to cook for another 5-10 minutes or until the onions are tender and the beef is completely browned.
  • Drain about 1/3 of the grease. You'll want to keep a good amount of the grease in the pan because it helps make the cheese sauce.
  • Place pan back on the burner and turn heat down to low.
  • Place American cheese on top of the mixture, spreading out evenly. Cover pan with a lid.
  • Allow cheese to melt. This will take about 5-10 minutes.
  • Once cheese is melted, stir mixture until you are left with an ooey gooey beef mixture. The melted cheese should create a cheese sauce.
  • Slice rolls in half. It’s tricky slicing these in one shot, but once it’s accomplished it’s a lifesaver.
  • Place rolls on non-stick baking sheet. I spray my baking sheet with non-stick spray.
  • Place meat mixture on rolls. Cover with top half of rolls.
  • Melt your butter in the microwave in a microwave safe bowl for about 15 seconds.
  • Brush butter on top of rolls. Be very delicate as you don’t want the rolls to be overly greasy. The butter will help get the rolls golden brown and add flavor but we don’t want them soggy. (no need to use every last drop of butter here)
  • Sprinkle a small amount of salt on top of the rolls.
  • Place in oven.
  • Bake for about 10 minutes or until the tops of the sliders are golden brown.
  • Remove from oven, slice into individual sliders and enjoy!


The Savory Spoon Author

Hi! My name is Noelle. I’m a wife, mom of two & home cook. Welcome to my blog!

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